Tuesday, August 26, 2008


I have a little house at the beach. So on Friday evenings I drive there for a short reprieve. I usually stop by the "Cove", to see who's out in the evening surf. This time, there were only 3, bobbing like seals waiting for a set. The light was beautiful as the sun began to drop over the horizon, glittering on the waves, casting a peachy color over the rocks and sand. I would have suited up if my board and wetsuit were with me. By the time I got to the house is was almost dark. I unpacked my things, turned on the heat, made some tea and popped in a movie. I needed to decompress.

Sleep is so different at the beach. The air is thick and heavy there. It presses down on you as you sleep. Sometimes its hard to wake up feeling refreshed because you get down so deep into the dream state. Your eyes don't want to open and your pulse seems slower than normal. It's an uphill climb back to reality.

I made my usual morning trek to the ocean at 8. When I hit the top of the road, I saw them. They were sending spray high up into the sky. The whales! My eyes teared a little over my surprise . Its been a while, and I had forgotten them. When I was surfing regularly I could always spot one or two out there somewhere. Standing guard for me. Its kind of a personal thing I have for the whales. I've always loved them. Once, a shaman told me they were my power animal, which was kind of a, "Duh".

They were in close, just beyond the breakers. I couldn't tell how many there were in the pod, but it didn't matter. The ocean was glassy and calm. "Hello", I said out loud (knowing I was alone), "I've missed you". The mist was just beginning to rise off the sea and I could see all the way up and down the beach. It was just me, the whales, and the lone osprey hovering overhead. They were directly in front of me as I walked to the waters edge in hopes of absorbing everything. Their barnacled backs rolling through the water, their side fins pointing to the sky, tips shimmering in the sun, the sound of their powerful airy blows. What a show!
I was grateful to see them again. My heart overflowed with joy. It felt like guardian angels might be nearby. In that moment, it felt as though everything was going to be o.k.

1 comment:

Edith Nsilo said...

i love that sweetie...i have completed my course and next week am travelling to india for 3 month for my projrct i will miss u a lot hny